
There’s No CPanel At HELIX. Thats Right. We Went There.

By June 26, 2019 No Comments

Where’s My CPanel?


Here’s a dirty little secret for you.  A hosting control panel isn’t really for your benefit.  Its for your hosting company.  So they can scale to 500,000 customers without having to talk to you. Shame on you, giant hosting company!

If you’re looking for your CPanel or other hosting control panel, you can stop now. There is none with HELIX.

You simply don’t need one here.  You don’t need to be in control of low level busy work because HELIX is in control for you.  Not in a Skynet/Terminator Judgement Day kinda way though.  We promise.

A control panel lets you do things like one-click installs. That seems cool but there’s no free lunch. That control panel is a major security problem. HELIX  is able to provide a much more secure WordPress environment without a control panel. Anything that you’ve been using a control panel to do – including installing WordPress – is done for you automatically by HELIX.  Its probably done more securely too.  Thats our jam.

Most new HELIX customers get kinda freaked out by this at first. After a week or two they wonder why they ever wanted a control panel to begin with.  They just don’t miss it.

Rather than log into a CPanel type interface, use secure FTP to install themes and plug-ins. Use the phpMyAdmin access we provide to access your WordPress database. For backup/restore, live/dev site cloning and DNS entries, just open a support case. We’ll get everything done for you in 60 minutes or less at all times.  We actually LOVE hearing from you guys!


Have control panel related questions?  Just wanna tell us something?  Lets hear it. We’re ready!

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Featured photo by sergey Svechnikov on Unsplash